Suitability: Our 6 week course is suitable for all Adults, Teaching professionals, Mental Health professionals, Employers, Employees. An entry form will ask questions to assess suitability to attend the course.
Course Overview: This course involves visual and experiential activities including video clips, guidance on meditation, emotional awareness, stress reduction techniques, emotional regulation, and movement plus much more. Completing the pre and post course evaluation form from your Mindfulness Journal will help you to compare how you feel, think or behave before and after the course.
Course Format: The course is a 6 week live programme of 2hrs which equals most 8 week courses and is delivered either live online or in a live workshop setting. In addition, there is pre-course reading/viewing making the total course 16hrs.
Fee: Please enquire as reductions may be made for corporate, education or charity organisations. Early bird offers may apply.
Course Content* You will be sent some pre-course material, introducing you to Mindfulness and some suggested reading to enhance your experience and understanding. Pre-course: Introduction to Mindfulness (video and pre-course reading)
Autopilot (habitual thinking and behaviour)
Dealing with worry (anxiety and depression)
React v Respond (the stress factor)
Mindful movement, sound and healing (other ways to be mindful)
Compassion and Empathy (relating to ourselves and others)
In Pursuit of Happiness (realistic expectations)
Optional group post course review to explore deepening your mindfulness practice and further training options *Subject to change without notice
We can adapt any of our courses to suit your needs. Please enquire.
Learning Objectives
To introduce mindfulness conceptually
To help recognise habitual, automatic routines that tend to perpetuate difficulties
To become familiar with the mind and respond to sensations, urges and thoughts in a different way
To develop reflection on the mindfulness practices through keeping a daily journal
To learn various formal and informal ways of practicing mindfulness
To provide an experiential taste of the practice
To understand the rationale behind the practice
To set out some of the evidence base
To explore the further potential of mindfulness
Learning Outcomes: (what you will be able to do)
become familiar with the workings of your mind.
explore ways of releasing yourself from those old habits and, if you choose, enter a different way of being.
Identify a different way of knowing yourself and the world.
be kind to yourself instead of wishing things were different all the time, or driving yourself to meet impossible goals.
manage unpleasant or stressful emotions
include Mindfulness in your daily life
enhance concentration and executive function (planning, decision-making, and impulse control)
Certification: Participants who attend all sessions will receive a Certificate of Attendance from the EFT & Mindfulness Centre. Accreditation: If you wish to progress to become an Accredited Mindfulness Practitioner, you will need to:
Have a Certificate of Attendance (inc. pre-course reading) (16hrs)
Produce an essay on what mindfulness is (4hrs)
Produce completed Daily Mindfulness Journal (60hrs)
Submit CPD form recording reading and watching videos (20hrs)
Award: Certificate as an Accredited Mindfulness Practitioner (100hrs) [Certificate will indicate ....(Name) has successfully completed 100 hours of training in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, including post course criteria to be awarded the title of 'Accredited Mindfulness Practitioner'] Accreditation equips you to run MBCT programmes in various work contexts. If you wish to run MBCT with clinical populations will need an appropriate professional clinical training and be appropriately insured
What you will receive Prior to the course:
Pre-course materials
Audio files to download
Daily journal
Pre and post course evaluation
Slide handouts
During the course:
Live 12 hour training programme
Handouts/weblinks where appropriate
Post course:
Certificate of Attendance
Feedback sheet
Invite to regular meet up sessions
Access to mindfulness resources
On a ‘no obligation basis’ you will be invited to apply to become an Accredited Mindfulness Practitioner and will be given the opportunity to train as a Trainer of MBCT to Adults or Trainer of Mindfulness in Education.
How much time do I need to allocate? This mindfulness course is highly practical and requires you to complete daily home practice to get the most out of the training. The true benefit of Mindfulness comes from daily practice. You will need to set aside approximately 20minutes a day to practice the daily mindfulness exercises and a little time to complete your Daily Mindfulness Journal.
Course structureThe programme consists of visual and experiential activities including video clips, guidance on meditation, emotional awareness, stress reduction techniques, emotional regulation, and movement, sound and much more.
Each lesson will be up to 2hrs. The different styles of learning are
Visual (PowerPoint presentations, video clips and use of illustrations)
Aural (sound exercises)
Verbal (talking with others, presenter)
Physical (walking exercise, qigong etc)
Please check the entry criteria for each course. Meanwhile, you are advised to read and learn as much as you can about Mindfulness which you can find from or browse the internet – especially the research articles. This not only enhances your learning experience but it prepares you with any questions you might have. MBCT in the Workplace
With a staggering 23% of sickness absences related to mental health issues, the subject of mental health in the workplace is attracting more and more political attention, so much so that in January 2017 the Prime Minister commissioned a review by the CEO of MIND and the Chair of the NHS Mental Health Taskforce into support for mental health within organisations.
Promoting this among the business will reassure employees that mental health is just as important and should be spoken about and will minimise discrimination too.
We can adapt our courses to suit your needs and availability. Please enquire. According to ACAS: “….Employers have a duty of care to their employees, which means that they should take all steps which are reasonably possible to ensure their health, safety and wellbeing. Demonstrating concern for the physical and mental health of your workers shouldn't just be seen as a legal duty - there's a clear business case, too. It can be a key factor in building trust and reinforcing your commitment to your employees, and can help improve staff retention, boost productivity and pave the way for greater employee engagement. Legally, employers must abide by relevant health & safety and employment law, as well as the common law duty of care. They also have a moral and ethical duty not to cause, or fail to prevent, physical or psychological injury, and must fulfil their responsibilities with regard to personal injury and negligence claims…”
*After 3 months mindful practice the latest studies showed a 32% reduction in stress levels; 70% improvement on quality of life and 50% reduction in sick days. Our MBCT programme can help you meet your legal obligations and also help staff with:
1. Accepting and learning from failure and mistakes 2. Improved focus, memory and concentration 3. Seeing threats from a practical viewpoint rather than an anxious state 4. Improving relations with staff and employees through the practice of being non-judgemental and being empathic 5. Reducing stress through mindful meditation which can significantly reduce sick absenteeism*. 6. Being responsive rather than reactive to enhance greater decision making skills 7. Enjoying an overall sense of calm and equanimity, leading to a more productive, healthier and happier way of life.